Patents, Analyses, Tests and Certification
Used active substances are covered by the following patents:
- French patent N° 2 599 257 dated 29.05.1986
- Certificate of addition N°2 623 717 dated 01.12.1987
- European patent N° 0401140 dated 28.05.1990
- French patent N°06/03903 dated 02.05.2006
- Patent N° WO 2010 / 146258 A2 dated 23.12.2010
- With the French, European and International (Canada) legislation
- With the “REACH” regulations
Our products (patented) are non-toxic.
We have the following analyses and tests:
- Biodegradability
- Non-toxicity to eyes
- Non-toxicity to skin
- Work Medicine agreement to use our products in closed premises where staff works
- Ecotoxicity
- Phytotoxicity
- Inhalation tests on living human cells
- All of them are registered in the International Fragrance Association list (IFRA).
We have a large number of efficiency tests performed by outside laboratories upon our customers’ request:
- CBiDGP Study Report – Poland 2018 : efficiency test – neutralization ratio of different gas + reaction time – Copper mines – Poland
- APAVE SOLETANCHE BACHY Study : Volatile organic compounds level decrease – Paris underground extension site, line 14 – 06.04.2016
- VODOKANAL Study – Saint-Petersburg 2013
- CIRSEE 2008 Study, SUEZ group
- The Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) Study, University of Rennes 2007
- Veolia Study 2002
- EOG Study on numerous waste dumps
We confirm that these are real odor neutralizing agents and not masking products (the usage of which is prohibited by the Barthélémy circular dated 02.03.1993)